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Future of Money 2019: Brilliance in Fintech

Release time👨‍🎨:2019-04-25    

The Future of Money 2019: Brilliance in Fintech event was held in Shanghai on 23 April 2019, which was co-organized by Swissnex China, Fudan Fanhai Fintech Research Center (FFFRC), Orient Securities Co., Ltd and Swiss Federal Government. The Swiss Federal President and Finance Minister, Mr. Ueli Maurer participated the event with his finance and economic delegation, experts, academics and entrepreneurs of the Fintech and banking industry where they presented and discussed contemporary issues regarding Fintech regulation, traditional wealth management and Fintech startup companies. Honored guests included Professor Charles Chang, the Deputy Dean of FISF and Director of FFFRC, Mr. Peilung Li, the Founder and Chairman of LUN Partners Group, Mrs. Daniela Stoffel, the Secretary of Swiss Federal International Finance Affairs, Mr. Romeo Lacher, the Chairman of Swiss Stock Exchange and Professor Thomas Puschmann, Senior Professor and Director of University of Zurich Fintech Innovation Laboratory. Professor Chang shared his views on Fintech regulation, the Road and Belt Initiatives and financial innovations, and the event achieved a great success and became a good start for China and Switzerland to establish good bilateral cooperation in the Fintech field.

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