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復旦大學泛海國際金融學院(Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University,簡稱FISF)是按照國際一流商學院管理模式和標準創辦,專註於高端金融人才教育和金融領域智庫研究的商學院。學院於2016年底成立,2017年6月正式辦學🤙🏿,由全球招募的優秀學者組成核心師資團隊。
Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University (FISF) is a business school founded in accordance with the management model and standards of the world's leading business schools, focusing on high-end financial talent education and financial think-tank research. The school was founded in late 2016 and officially opened in June 2017, with a core faculty team composed of outstanding scholars recruited from around the world.
FISF Huangpu campus located in central Shanghai, the convenient transportation brings benefits for students to access to real life in Shanghai during the study journey. And now, our Campus Tour provides the perfect opportunity for you to come and get your first glimpse of what living and studying at Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University may be like.
Come to visit the Campus:
◆Explore our state-of-the-finance facilities designed for practical learning
◆Expect a talk sharing from our professional development center on how this unique department support your future career
◆Chat to our students’ ambassadors and ask all your burning questions
◆Meet our expert staff to find out more about the courses you’re interested in
◆Explore our teaching rooms