Big Data Analyses with No Digital Footprints Available– Evidence from Cyber-Telecom Fraud

活動時間:10月20日10:30 – 11:30

活動地點🔢:Virtual Meeting through XYLink(小魚易連)

活動演講人: Xiaolei LIU



Big Data Analyses with No Digital Footprints Available– Evidence from Cyber-Telecom Fraud


Xiaolei LIU

Professor of Finance and Accounting, Peking University


Cyber-telecom fraud has become a more and more serious problem globally and also in China. In this study, we focus on a special type of cyber-telecom fraud, where criminals induce innocent people to borrow through real online finance platform. Since there is no digital footprints available for the fraud criminals behind the borrowing cases, identifying them becomes much more difficult. Using a proprietary dataset of online consumer financing from a large Fintech company in China, we explore whether and how big data analyses and machine learning techniques can help identify this type of fraud and reduce customers’ financial losses. We also explore the characteristic of fraud borrowing and its victims, which calls for people’s attention on cyber-telecom fraud.

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