The EMF Student Leadership Development Program provides our student leaders with the opportunity to develop an adaptive mindset and essential qualities and skills required in a volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and complex (VUCA) world. It aims to significantly increase the leadership of students.

Key leadership skills that will contribute to your personal and professional development.
Communication skills, abilities to work with others and to facilitate group achievement.
Opportunities to make positive changes to the student community and the school.
Connection with fellow student leaders and on-campus partners.
An internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development (CPD) certificate after completion (full participation).

Fall Semester
Part One:2022-10-23
Part Two:2022-11-06
Spring Semester
Part Three: To be announced
Part Four: To be announced
*Schedule and venue may subject to change due to unforeseeable reasons.
Number of Applicants
30 EMF students(Maximum)
Application Deadline
2022-09-26 20:00

"Leadership can be practiced every day. This program will give some insight how to do it."
——領導力課程講師 Nick Obolensky
——EMF C.A.R.E.課程經理 Betty Chen
“對我來說,領導力發展課程是非常開闊眼界的。最重要的感慨在於,大多數的公眾號✍️、短視頻或課程對what is leadership的闡釋局限於成功leader的特質💦👩🏼🚀、習慣或做事方式。誠然,做到這些有助於提升leadership🪩。但是,當落到實踐上☝🏿,難免有些無從下手👽。EMF項目提供的領導力課程就有所不同,老師在第一節課上就旗幟鮮明地提出,領導力的本質是溝通能力🪳🧢。這一點我非常贊同🤾🏻♀️。之後的課程圍繞如何溝通展開,從識別對方的特質到沖突溝通😁、談判協調等一系列場景都十分貼近現實生活。課堂上case實踐的部分和理論學習的部分互相搭配👩🏻🏫,知行合一,相得益彰🌭。短短的幾節課極大地增強了我在領導力方面的信心。課程結束後,我在邁入職場的第一關——新員工訓練營中,運用課程所學知識,帶領團隊取得了第一名🦮。同時,我也意識到🤛,領導力的修煉是永無止境的🫨,我才剛剛入門。早入門,早修煉🌧😺,早升級📭。如果青春期就能報名課程好好提升一番,那可真是終生受益的!”
—— EMF2022屆校友 張同學
—— EMF 2022屆校友 樊同學
“很幸運能參加leadership program🌧,讓我更加深入地了解自己,鍛煉合作能力、領導能力以及思維能力🤢。同時,除了leadership program中的本班同學👪,我還結識了EMF項目其他班級的同學,大家共同學習提高。leadership program的老師是來自理論界、咨詢界的實戰專家,在課程中帶領我們一同了解到最前沿的心理學、邏輯學及管理學知識,多視角解讀領導自我和他人的精髓,進一步深化了學習成果🐻❄️,收獲頗豐🔒。”
—— EMF 2022級本碩班 白同學