The FISF Fintech Research Center (FFRC) welcomes qualified researchers, scholars, experts, and thought leaders in relevant industries, academic disciplines, and NGO/government organisations to apply for its Visiting Scholar Program. This exclusive program allows Visiting Scholars to collaborate with FISF/Fudan faculty as well as the Shanghai and extended China ecosystems while conducting their independent research agenda at the FFRC.

Guidelines for Eligibility

Applicants should be recognized experts and thought leaders from relevant industries and fields who are capable to conducting independent and/or collaborative research or other forms of thought leadership. Preference are given to applicants whose research agenda has clear applicability to developing the strategic agenda of FFRC to develop and lead bleeding-edge thought leadership for the international community related to financial technologies, business & finance innovation, and finance policy legislation. Also relevant is the strategic linkages of the chosen research agenda to enhancing and developing China’s financial and business ecosystems. FFRC reserves the right to revoke a Visiting Scholar’s status at any time and for any reason based on the FFRC’s discretion.

Documents required for Application:

• Curriculum Vitae or Detailed Biography

• High Resolution Picture of the Applicant

• Proposed Topics of Research and Relevant Existing Work


Visiting Scholars are recognized formally by the FFRC and can freely promote and use the official designation of “Visiting Scholar at the FISF Fintech Research Center, Fudan International School of Finance”. Visiting Scholars are highly encouraged to form collaborative relationships with FISF/Fudan faculty, which represent some of the top economic, financial, and business academics and experts in their fields. Visiting Scholars are invited to come to FISF/Fudan to promote their research and thought leadership and are welcome to attend lectures and all public scholarly events on the university campus, including those organised by the FFRC.

The FFRC Visiting Scholar Program is specifically designed to provide a window for the international experts community to collaborate and interface with China to develop novel research, thought leadership, and collaborations with FISF academics and China’s industry and government organizations.

The FFRC will provide a powerful platform for Visiting Scholars to extend their research interests and thought leadership to China as well as the international community. This includes opportunities for publication in academic journals, speaking engagements, FISF forums/conferences, and other events. In addition, selected Visiting Scholars can access FISF’s powerful media partners, including Xinhua News Agency (the official China government mouthpiece) as well as China Daily (top English news publication in China).


FFRC Visiting scholars are responsible for conduction their own research independently or in collaboration with FISF faculty their chosen topic(s) of interest. Visiting Scholars are chosen based on the ability to advance thought leadership on behalf of the FFRC. The goal of the program is to produce thought leadership publications, including but not limited to whitepapers, policy recommendations, academic research publications, conference/journal papers, essays, opinion pieces, collaborative works, media commentary, etc.

All Visiting Scholars are highly encouraged to produce semi-regular thought leadership worthy of being considered FFRC publications within the duration of their appointment. It is highly recommended that this thought leadership is staged strategically, with initial first output within a few months upon appointment with more follow-on detail coming downstream to extend the works. Visiting scholars should also plan to make at least one presentation on his/her research topic(s) at Fudan, and are encouraged to attend other public events, forums, and conferences on behalf of FISF to promote their thought leadership.

All the reports/articles/essays that Visiting Scholars submit to FFRC will be selected and recommended to FFRC publishing and media partners. Visiting Scholars are required to ensure that any works submitted or recommended do not cause any copyright conflicts and represent original and novel works. FFRC/Fudan reserves the right to publish, market, and promote a Visiting Scholar’s likeness and research/publication materials developed in collaboration/on behalf of the FFRC.

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